Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Life with Makena and Manawa

Once you have had a Siamese, you never want any other kind of cat. At least, that's how I feel. Here are my two adorable cats, Makena, the Siamese Balinese and Manawa, a Solid Blue Mink Tonkinese.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Makena on vacation

My beautiful beloved Balinese certainly knows how to relax. Here's what Makena did most of the time while we were on vacation. Kitty knows comfort!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy World Cat Day!

Yes, it's true -- today -- Wednesday, August 8, 2012 --- is World Cat Day. What are we doing to celebrate? Well, I'm taking my beautiful, beloved Balinese Makena on a trip to the country, where she can explore nature. Also, we made a batch of her favourite food -- rabbit!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Manu - a beloved Tonkinese

With a heavy heart and much sadness, I announce the passing of my beloved Tonkinese Manu.

At least 18 years old, he was a stray who had been hit by a car. More than 100 people wanted this cat when the ad was placed in the paper for adoption, but I knew he was mine the moment I woke up that morning and saw the ad in the paper.

I am grateful to Anne of, who got us on track with a correct diet for obligate carnivores, after many unfortunate years of feeding species-inappropriate dry food to my beloved boy.

Multiple conditions, one I suspect was incorrectly undiagnosed hyperthyroidism. At his age, his heart, his kidneys, his organs were shutting down. We tried, with medicine and fluids to see if he would rally, and he did for a few weeks, but when he went down, he went down fast, within 24 hours he was making a plaintive cry like none that I have ever heard before.

He is gone, loved forever, but gone.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Balinese beauty

Well spring has arrived and Makena is eagerly watching the birds and squirrels each morning again. This has been my first Balinese Siamese cat and they certainly are endlessly fascinating. What most amazes me is her acrobatic ability. Her lithe body can pounce and jump and perform somersaults effortlessly. But it's her ability to jump 6 feet in the air that means I have to keep her on a leash when we go out onto the balcony (for her own protection). Here's a recent picture of my gorgeous Makena.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Makena at the cottage

Here's Makena on her early morning jaunt at the cottage. "The dollhouse" provided perfect access to the cottage grounds and the lake for my beautiful Balinese. As you can see, she is happy and excited to begin her morning exploring....supervised, of course....