With a heavy heart and much sadness, I announce the passing of my beloved Tonkinese Manu.
At least 18 years old, he was a stray who had been hit by a car. More than 100 people wanted this cat when the ad was placed in the paper for adoption, but I knew he was mine the moment I woke up that morning and saw the ad in the paper.
I am grateful to Anne of www.catnutrition.org, who got us on track with a correct diet for obligate carnivores, after many unfortunate years of feeding species-inappropriate dry food to my beloved boy.
Multiple conditions, one I suspect was incorrectly undiagnosed hyperthyroidism. At his age, his heart, his kidneys, his organs were shutting down. We tried, with medicine and fluids to see if he would rally, and he did for a few weeks, but when he went down, he went down fast, within 24 hours he was making a plaintive cry like none that I have ever heard before.
He is gone, loved forever, but gone.